Monday, December 31, 2007
Dear Santa- You are a BITCH ASS NIGGA!
Was talking about the BOONDOCKS cartoon that aired on Monday night a few weeks ago with a co-worker. We were both stuck on Riley's Dear Santa letter in which Riley was threatening to kill Santa for not delivering on a Xmas wish. My co-worker shared how when he was a kid he asked Santa for his mom to get a job so she can buy food for the house. That really put Xmas in context for me (I use to bitch extra hard about not getting that GI Joe with the "KUNG FU" GRIP). Our society, media, corp. American (illuminati if you believe in that) build up the holidays as a time to spend money you ain't got on people you really don't care about. Get deeper into debt for the sake of keeping up appearances. Smiling when you ain’t got nothing to smile about cause it XMAS!!!
So this Christmas/New Year- I am observing 1 hour of silence. ONE FULL HOUR of silence- NO TV, NO RADIO, NO NET, NO CELLY, just me and a chair- in recognition of
- People losing their homes due to mortgage crisis
- American soldiers losing their lives in a bogus war
- Katrina victims STILL waiting on the U.S Government to DO something
- Our civil liberties disappearing faster than the polar ice caps, faster than the rain forest
- Immigrants being unjustly deported
- The loss of innocence of our children (its not fun being a kid anymore)
- Lack of quality education that should be available to every American Citizen (born or naturalized)
- Ditto for healthcare
- Everyone falsely accused and imprisoned
- Every woman who has been held back, held down, abused and mistreated
- Every good cop who put their life on the line for greater good
and the list goes on and on.Make it a point this Holiday season, regardless of your race, religion, age- make it point to remember what is truly important. Your family & friends that were there where by your side through dark moments. Loved ones that reached out with a hand, or a hot plate of food, an ear to listen or even just a joke to make you smile. You are blessed to have them in your life. Do your part and be sure to pass that blessing forward when you can.
For example- you can pass this clip blog forward cause this clip is just too funny
Thursday, December 20, 2007
R. Kelly- Going on trial for PISSING on some chick
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

JAMIE LYNN SPEARS (16 yr old sister of that wholesome Britney Spears) is PREGGO!!
And parents are "struggling to explain what is happening to their kids". I don't understand the difficulty in this. Parent struggling to explain how TV is not reality or how someone even a famous person can be promiscuous at a young age (aka WHORING ABOUT LIKE BIG SIS-HAHAH)
Didn't parents go through this already when Vanessa Hudgen's BEAVER was on full display all over the internet? Apparently that was Vanessa's method of getting a dude interested. Which in all honesty is quiet refreshing- just send out a pic of yourself buck naked. Also I like to add it was refreshing to see a Vanessa sporting a full BUSH, I would have never thought she was into the ultra natural look.
What even more interesting is that no one seems to be implicating the true source of all these problems- DISNEY & NICKELODEON both of which have been conspiring for years to earn the trust of the masses only to turn on them, like organized religion (but thats another post)
Im curious to see which parents are struggling with this. Because growing up TV personalities and athletes were never my role models. I, like many other people were taught that they were entertainers and provided simply that- entertainment.
Lynn Spears needed to beat both her daughters asses more often- and she should beat Jamie's ass now, cause she just lost a book deal about raising kids in pop culture (or some crap close to that) point being she cost her some serious $$
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Rich & Bored?- Why not race a jet fighter?

Monday, December 17, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Beyonce, Still Thick?
JAY, what are you doing? Dude when are you going to impregnate this lady? I mean a no name dude already got Jessica Alba pregnant. Secure ya spot JAY! HAHA. But Jay has way to much money on the line. SMART MOVE JAY! As the Jessica Alba pregnancy showed us even YOU can get a celebrity pregnant.
Dumb Sh*t that Makes People Money
It’s funny that if you believe in your own gimmick hard enough you’ll get enough people to believe it and create a “MOVEMENT” and some one will pay you to keep doing that stupid thing you do. AWESOME.
Problem with this is now everyone thinks they are the next youtube star and no one wants to put in the work. At least your local hustler is putting the work on the corners to make his $$$$.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Social Site Idiots
So there are idiots/knuckle heads out there filming crime and posting it on social site (myspace, facebook, blogs, youtube, etc). Whatever the case may be dumb, bored and privileged kids have once again ruined something potentially good for the rest of us or just plain entertaining. Below are the pics of the DUMBASSES in this particular case.
A couple of things really rub me the wrong way about this case:
1. They were dumb enough to post this one these PUBLIC sites thinking it’s THIERSPACE and they can’t use that against them. Right, if you do dirt and advertise it like a DICK!!! you deserve to get caught.
Cops can easily use all this to put these kids away for good. I know this for sure because as a alumnus of PENN STATE UNIVERSITY, I saw many suffer the unforgiving power of the law. When
In the case of the NYC train beatings these bored kids can go away for a long time. YET NO action has been taken WTF???!!!! This leads me to the next thing that really bothers me about this case.
2. Why are the punishments for these [white] kids a lot less severe than that of a the case of a after school beat down, JENA 6, that was not publicized on a social site, not recorded, was instigated by other factors, and where the kids had no prior history of violence. WTF???!!!!
Again just have to step back and ask yourself, “AM I THE ONE THAT’S CRAZY?!”
3. AND Finally, someone please tell me why these [WHITE] suburb kids BLOODS?! And ARE YOU F**KING KIDDING ME!
DAILY NEWS ARTICLE ON THE SOCIAL SITE IDIOTS. More info about their many other stupid moves can found as links on the right side of the site!Gold I-Phone- ULTRA DOUCHE BAGGERY?
(courtesy of endgadget)
For a gold plated I-phone
Santa vs. Jesus- who's real, who's not ???
Both are known through out the world in many cultures. Both were considered humanitarians, both had many aliases
Santa- Santa Claus, Kris Kringle, St. Nick, Saint Nicolas
Jesus- Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, Yehoshua, JC (to his closest homies)
Both had stories of their deeds retold through the ages. Both are believed to be immortal. YET....Santa is "pretend" and Jesus is "real".
I am guessing whether you believe or not that you have heard of Jesus Christ and whether or not you believe in his divinity you can at least agree that there was a person named Jesus Christ who at the very least was a philosopher of sorts and wanted to share his teachings of peace and tolerance (like the Dali Lama)
HOWEVER maybe you didn't know that Santa Claus was REAL in this sense too. Nicolas born in the 3rd century in a village called Patera, which at the time was a Greek territory. Nicolas gave away his inherited wealth to the poor and needy and later become a bishop, then a Saint (get it SAINT NICOLAS)
Learn more here- Saint Nicolas- Story behind the legend
So seriously why is Santa fake and Jesus real?
Up next I break the true story of the Tooth Fairy- Stay Tuned.......
Thursday, December 13, 2007

UDPATED- PICS of CAST THANKS TO TV SQUAD (i think creepy hair must be a requirement to be casted)
Original Knight Rider Intro (just had to post this)
(FYI for all the KNIGHT RIDER PURIST- yes this is opener to season 2, season 1 had no voiceover- don't get your panties all bunched up)
R.I.P Jessica Alba
Condolences to all the knuckle headed idiots who thought they had a chance with this chick.
Voted finest chick in Maxim OR FHM OR AskMen OR All the above at one point or another- hopefully the universe would be kind and bless her against stretch marks.
And lets not forget about the hormonal gods bountiful gifts! Engorged TIG BITTIES!!!!!
IMO- Jessica Alba from "IDOL HANDS"= AMAZING, Jessica Alba from "Fantastic Four 2"- WTF HAPPENED TO YOU?
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The man just finished wiping his DOO DOO INFESTED ASS and did not wash his hands. Now this may pass in the privacy of your own home but not at work where there is always some one watching.
And we all know the toilet paper at work is that cheap sh*t, so you know he wiped so hard his fingers broke the paper. Adding all this leads me to believe he has DOO DOO on his fingers. Worse of all he brushed his fingers through his hair and later saw him eating a bagel with his DOO DOO hands. WOW !
LESSON: Wash your hands, Keep a steady supply of PURELL, and never shakes hands. You never know which *sshole wipes to hard!
Sent via BlackBerry
And the fool in the black beemer 7 series reading NY Times while driving (fully opened across steering wheel). WTF PLAYA ARE YOU CRAZY!
Sent via BlackBerry
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
There is a video floating around about some chicks eating SH*T, yes SH*T. Straight A*S TO MOUTH action. The clip is called 2 girls & 1 Cup- Wanna see it- Here it is (X-RATED, NSFW!)
Below- Some "REACTION" Footage- (G-RATED, seriously)
My personal opinion- I'm not sure i buy it. I mean i didn't see any corn or egg chunks. I'm saying i thought these were Brazilian chicks, don't they eat alot of rice and beans?? The vomit is authentic but not sure about the Doo Doo!
In any case to each their own, do what makes you happy and if your lucky enough to find a freaky mofo like yourself GOD BLESS YA!
Here is some background if your interested from THE SMOKING GUN (SFW)
People Still fall for this Sh*T!!!
There are idiots out there still falling for the "Im a rich f*ck from a far away country and need you to hold some money for me" bullsh*t
Here's the fast lesson-
And Finally .....Most importantly
Monday, December 10, 2007
Bet he'll rock the Fur coat when he gets out!!!

Why is this mean receiving such a harsh punishment for violation of animal rights when other celebrities have violated the human right to safety and peace. Drunk, high, and reckless media idols are put many lives in danger under the influence and repeatedly breaking the law yet none have done a max of a few months.
If I knew this man personally I would greet him out of jail in a nice big DOG FUR COAT made of the thousands of dogs killed all the time because they have no homes and cannot be cared for anymore.
I become even angrier reading some of the media articles written about this case. They are ruining the life of a man, who has worked hard to get his $$$ and career, over 8 animals. YES PETS, ANIMALS, DOGS!!!!. It’s even funnier to read the quote, in the CNN article, from the presiding judge, "You need to apologize also to the millions of young people who look up to you.” The same can be said about the disappointing stars plastered everyday doing something shameful on gossip sites like TMZ.
CNN Article on Vick sentencing
Friday, December 7, 2007
When Picking Your Halloween Custom High GOES WRONG!

Regardless of how horrible these ideas are, my beliefs in free speech and citizen rights are a lot stronger. In NO WAY do I think these idiots should be penalized by the system but I wouldn't stop a public BEAT DOWN of these two.
Below are the news article and the Penn State news paper article ( who is notorious for printing any dirt they get their hands on!)
WATER POWERED CAR (another reason to just stop paying taxes)

The fully electric GM car that was released to the world in 200? And then mysteriously pulled from the market. It was the subject matter of the highly acclaimed documentary "Who killed the electric car".
NOW- lets go deeper- What about a water powered car? Clean, free energy? Need “fuel” – put a bucket out in the rain and you have it. Check out some info & video clips here-Water Powered Car
Here is some info from 1998- The name of the inventor is Stan Meyer.
His invention was being internationally patented and was being looked at by the Pentagon, N.A.S.A and a few others such as the Energy Dealers to the world.
Think for a moment about the way the world could be changed by this invention.
And of course he was mysteriously POISONED
Thursday, December 6, 2007
One of the classiest mugshots ever- Thanks Akon.

I'm not of huge fan of his music but it has to be said that this dude seems to be plagued by bullshit charges.
Remember the rape/assault charge that cost him a contract with Verizon and damaged his image? Turned out that was all fake and no one issued a public apology. Girl basically lied to her family and the world- check out proof of this future pole dancer at TMZ