Monday, December 31, 2007

Dear Santa- You are a BITCH ASS NIGGA!

Above is quoted from Riley Freeman (Support Quality TV- BOONDOCKS!)

Was talking about the BOONDOCKS cartoon that aired on Monday night a few weeks ago with a co-worker. We were both stuck on Riley's Dear Santa letter in which Riley was threatening to kill Santa for not delivering on a Xmas wish. My co-worker shared how when he was a kid he asked Santa for his mom to get a job so she can buy food for the house. That really put Xmas in context for me (I use to bitch extra hard about not getting that GI Joe with the "KUNG FU" GRIP). Our society, media, corp. American (illuminati if you believe in that) build up the holidays as a time to spend money you ain't got on people you really don't care about. Get deeper into debt for the sake of keeping up appearances. Smiling when you ain’t got nothing to smile about cause it XMAS!!!

So this Christmas/New Year- I am observing 1 hour of silence. ONE FULL HOUR of silence- NO TV, NO RADIO, NO NET, NO CELLY, just me and a chair- in recognition of

- People losing their homes due to mortgage crisis
- American soldiers losing their lives in a bogus war
- Katrina victims STILL waiting on the U.S Government to DO something
- Our civil liberties disappearing faster than the polar ice caps, faster than the rain forest
- Immigrants being unjustly deported
- The loss of innocence of our children (its not fun being a kid anymore)
- Lack of quality education that should be available to every American Citizen (born or naturalized)
- Ditto for healthcare

- Everyone falsely accused and imprisoned
- Every woman who has been held back, held down, abused and mistreated
- Every good cop who put their life on the line for greater good

and the list goes on and on.Make it a point this Holiday season, regardless of your race, religion, age- make it point to remember what is truly important. Your family & friends that were there where by your side through dark moments. Loved ones that reached out with a hand, or a hot plate of food, an ear to listen or even just a joke to make you smile. You are blessed to have them in your life. Do your part and be sure to pass that blessing forward when you can.

For example- you can pass this clip blog forward cause this clip is just too funny

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