The fully electric GM car that was released to the world in 200? And then mysteriously pulled from the market. It was the subject matter of the highly acclaimed documentary "Who killed the electric car".
NOW- lets go deeper- What about a water powered car? Clean, free energy? Need “fuel” – put a bucket out in the rain and you have it. Check out some info & video clips here-Water Powered Car
Here is some info from 1998- The name of the inventor is Stan Meyer.
His invention was being internationally patented and was being looked at by the Pentagon, N.A.S.A and a few others such as the Energy Dealers to the world.
Think for a moment about the way the world could be changed by this invention.
And of course he was mysteriously POISONED
Just another reason to stop paying taxes- since its obvious the money is not going to where and who needs it, we might as well keep it.
Are you fuckin kidding me??
and why are we paying taxes......oh thats right to feed the big bucks oil machine running Washington, THANKS GEORGE!!!!
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