Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Suggestions for NAACP Awards

Maury Povich- Award for Uniting Black Families. Maury has devoted his daytime T.V show to uniting families through paternity test. While his show does not discriminate the fact that the majority of guest are young black couples cannot go unnoticed.

Patrick Riley- Leading Black Men to Championships. No other person black or white has lead more Black men to success, fame, money and trophy's than NBA Coach Patrick Riley.

President Bill Clinton- America's first black president. Plays saxophone, loves thick white women and hates on black people who are smarter than him, considers them BOUGHY!

President George Bush- Self sacrifice- George Bush highlighted the fact that black people are not what is wrong with this country. In 8 years in office he has gone farther than any other to prove that ignorance and incompetence are color blind.
And Finally

Gov. Sarah Palin- Unity Award- for uniting all people of all races of various religious backgrounds to vote for a black man to lead this United States.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Idiots driving in bad weather
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008
This has been a 5RM Public Service Announcement.
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Monday, December 8, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
No One F*CKS with John McCain
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
John Cleese on Sarah Palin
Discussing Sarah Palin
Monday, October 13, 2008
Conspiracy Theory- The Federal Reserve
More information can be found here at The August Review
Bailout: America's Financial Ruin
[NOTE: To his discredit, McFadden citied in both video clip and article, was openly anti-Semitic and an early supporter of Adolf Hitler during the 1930’s because of his policies toward Jews. McFadden blamed Jews, wrongly so, for the financial chicanery he otherwise clearly observed.]
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I can never watch "Top Gun" again
The word "maverick" inspires a level of dread similar to having to take a bad dump and being forced to use a gas station bathroom in the middle of summer in the middle of no where U.S.A.
Confusion, bad judgment, lacking integrity, morals, humanity, common sense. Wielding ignorance & arrogance as a sword & shield. Slinging mud wrapped in words like "maverick".
George W. Bush is by far the worst President in my generation, most likely the worst ever. But by all accounts he succeeded by having the ideals and values he demonstrated while in office copied by the GOP's latest progeny.
America and all who love this great country deserve better than that.
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Thursday, October 2, 2008
Homer Simpson Votes for Obama!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Palin- Couric Interview- On Russia
Zakaria slams Palin
- editor of Newsweek International in October 2000, overseeing all Newsweek's editions abroad, reaching an audience of 24 million worldwide.
- Hosts a show called- Fareed Zakaria GPS, which airs Sundays worldwide on CNN.
- In 2007, he was named one of the 100 leading public intellectuals in the world by Foreign Policy and Prospect magazines. He has received honorary degrees from many universities. He serves on the board of Yale University, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, and Shakespeare and Company.
- He received a B.A. from Yale and a Ph.D. in political science from Harvard.
In plain english- HE KNOWS HIS SHIT!
Friday, September 26, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Alaskan Women's Groups united AGAINST Gov. Palin
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Jon Stewart- Beacon of truth in media
Joe Lieberman- Flip Flopping defined
If you need some example- look up Weapons of Mass Destruction, Iraq war, check previous post about Giulani.
But Joe Lieberman is a special, special man. A complete and utter asshole, a very special asshole.
Just 2 years ago- (he should have ended this ass kissing session with "Unless he runs for President)
Giuliani is an Asshole
Some quick updates-
1. Obama has secured Presidential Nomination.
2. Obama selected Joe Biden to be his running mate
3. Hillary Clinton (and Bill) gave GREAT speeches at DNC.
4. Hillary Clinton in a show of respect & class- stopped delegate roll call and called for Nomination by acclaimation- Thank you Hillary.

Back to the topic- Giuliani spoke at the RNC. He spoke of no issues important to American's, but what he did do what criticize Obama and use 9/11 as if he coined the phrase- Nine- Eleven!
Giuliani criticized Obama's voting record, accomplishments & judgment.
But lets review Giulani's judgment-
1. Decided to put emergency command under World Trade Center against advice of virtually all city/state officials.
2. Decided after 9-11 to deny health care for first responders on the scene. I recall watching a news piece about a captain of the EMT who was a tri-athlete and had a physical 1 month before 9/11. Now he is dying with cancerous tumors in his lung. Healthcare – DENIED!!!
3. During his presidential run he ignored the entire process and decided to bank his entire campaign on Florida (wtf?)
Giuliani has being milking 9-11 for all it’s got. He was mayor during that tragedy and fortunately for him he had the total support of his staff, all the citizens of New York City and the country when 9-11 happened. It has gotten out of hand; during 2006 memorial service- many families in the audience turned their backs to Giuliani in silent protest of his actions during/after 9-11. At one point it looked like he was speaking from the back of the crowd.
Can we revoke his New Yorker Cred, seriously.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Jack Nicholson puts his face directly over the exhaust of running car!!!
Monday, June 9, 2008
1. MTA (Subway & bus system of NYC) is thinking of raising prices again within a year because their budget deficet. Weren't these the same guys that were discovered to have TWO sets of books?? Essentially a public book and the private book with actuals figures? Do your research- Fmr nyc comptroller Alan Hevesi discovered that before being fired.
2. Con Edison was warning about brown outs during the summers FIRST heatwave. Whaa da phack- do we pay all that money for? Why in 2008 after years of brown outs and 2 (if not more) major black outs is this still a problem?? BLOOMBERG - force Con Edison to subsidize solar panels for tenant buildings and offer companies some incentives to do the same. No reason why the Empire State building or Madison Square Garden or the main United States Post Office on 34th street can generate a few MegaWatts of juice for NYC. Get with the f**cking program.
3. GAS- is it me or is this whole issue with gas completely full of sh*t? Millions of consumers are suffering- someone is getting rich off our pain and essentially ass banging us with not so much as a reach around. Oil companies say its the market, people say its the oil companies, OPEC refuses to increase output and we're left with out thumbs up our asses. THANKS DUBYA. Follow the money and you will see who is profiting off our nations demise.
4. Old White Women- what the hell is wrong with old white women essentially hating on Sen. Obama? Seriously put this in perspective. Anywhere from 2-4 Supreme court justices will be retiring within the next 4 years- do u realize Roe vs. Wade can be overturned, our civil liberties will considered to disappear, the economic policies that favor the rich, Iraq war and more chaos- because sone of you ignorant hags can't see the bigger picture??
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Wednesday, June 4, 2008
2156 & Counting.....

At the time this post was written Sen. Obama needed 2,118 delegates to secure the nomination. He has officially secured 2,156 & Counting...
On the night of June 3rd 2008- History was made, America nominated an African American to be the Democratic Nominee to be the President of the United States.
Sen. McCain- gave a bland speech focusing on Sen. Obama
Sen. Clinton- did not concede, continued press why she would make a better President. Did nothing to heal wounds in the party (that were ironically caused by her & her campaign) and continued her efforts to tarnish the Clinton name & legacy.
Sen. Obama- Thanked his supporters, his family. From all accounts graciously thanked Sen. McCain and Sen Clinton. He continued saying running against Sen. Clinton has made him a better candidate. And then squarely focused on the fact that this moment, this night belonged to the United States and to all Americans. A very Presidential speech, very inclusive to all Americans who desire change.
By all accounts- this nomination highlights a significant win for Sen. Obama as much as a significant loss for Clinton. Sen. Obama essentially learned the game, mastered the game and effectively CHANGED the game bringing in more new voters than any other candidate, recruiting an amazingly broad demographic of people of all ages, gender, race and political beliefs.
According to news reports the next phase of the Clinton campaign is to fight for either:
1. Take the fight to Denver
2. Force Sen. Obama to pick her as his VP.
3. Continuing fighting/negotiating - prominent position in an Obama cabinent, for Obama campaign to help pay off Clinton campaign debts, jobs for both herself and Bill
(yes.. seriously)
Friday, May 30, 2008

First off, I am a big fan of his music. He is an amazing song writer and performer. I saw the Coachalla clip of him playing Radiohead's "Creep" and it was great.
The short version of this is that Prince under his company- NPG Records has told YOUTUBE to remove the video clips citing copyright laws. No one can see the clip including the song writers and owners - Radiohead. Radiohead wanted to see the clip after hearing so many things about Prince's rendition of one of their most successful tunes and could not see it.
It is common knowledge that Radiohead recently released an entire album for free (more accurately- pay what you want) the album proved highly successful and critically acclaimed though actual sales figures were never released.
But here we have an artist claiming copyright laws for a song that is NOT HIS. Radiohead band members are apparently trying to remain civil about this and have requested that Prince UNBLOCK the clips and allow them to be viewed again on youtube and other outlets.
For the complete article- check it out on The Huffington Post
Monday, May 19, 2008
Personally I think this is an outrage. I see the justification of paying to go to Jersey, maybe even Long Island but there should be no good reason why I am paying to travel to one of the five boroughs of New York. What's worse is that Queens is a shitty borough anyways. Never liked nor find the need to really go there other then to take a plane or get to Long Island. But those couple of times you HAVE to drive into Queens, New York I get in a horrible mood knowing I gotta come out of pocket to stay in the same damn city. FUCK THE TRI-BORO BRIDGE.
[This email was sent from a handheld device]
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Somewhere in the world right now- NICK CANNON IS FUCKING THAT HIGH YELLOW GODDESS MARIAH CAREY....... God Bless you Nick
Unfortunately she is still behind in the popular vote, delegates and super delegates. Basically behind in all the metrics that actually count.
Clinton's core group of supporters- white, over 60, uneducated, bigoted/racist, blue collar workers ensured her easy win over the "negro". Clinton is pulling out all stops to guarantee her campaign (& career & the Clinton legacy) end in a blaze of glory.
Clinton plans to expand her supporter base to include people who believe soap operas are real, anyone who may have died since the primaries began since they most certainly would have voted for her and patients in psyche wards who would get a twinkie if they vote for her.
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Monday, May 12, 2008
What people are REALLY Saying
1. Hard working white Americans- Black people don’t have jobs & are lazy.
2. I’m not quitting until every vote is counted- I will destroy my career, the Clinton legacy and the DNC to get what I want
3. I misspoke on Bosnia- I can’t keep my lies straight anymore
4. I have so many plans for this country- I didn’t stay married to Bill for nothing
5. I have the experience- do you really want a nigger being the president of the United States
6. I’ve won the big states- black votes and poor white trash votes do not count
1. Hillary Clinton is a formidable opponent- She’s out of her fucking mind
2. I think the American people are ready for change- Once you go black, you will never go back
1. 100 years in Iraq-
a. Long after I'm dead and buried, which incidentially is any day now
b. Big Oil promised me a cut
c. I have a need to kill people
d. I was tortured and I lived…wtf is the big deal
2. Continue tax cuts- my wife and rich buddies need to get their taste
1. I hear he’s a Muslim- I’m not voting for a nigger
2. He doesn’t wear a flag pin, he’s not a patriot-
a. I beat my wife, skip out on child support drive a v10 truck for no good reason
b. I’m not voting for a nigger
3. Well Bill was a great president and that’s why I’m voting Hillary- I’m an illiterate douche-bag
1. I don’t see how she can mathematically win this nomination- Hillary Clinton need to run this motherfucker over to win
2. the demographics do not seem to agree with Hillary Clinton- I guess Bill Clinton was not the first black president- LMAO
3. Hillary Clinton can still win this in June- can someone please plant some cocaine on the nigger??
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Hillary Clinton -Has no ethical standards (Video)
Monday, May 5, 2008
Mariah Carey marries Nick Cannon? (SERIOUSLY???)
Friday, May 2, 2008
Top 10 Most Offensive Quotes From McCain's Spiritual Advisers
1. "Do you know the difference between a woman with PMS and a snarling Doberman pinscher? The answer is lipstick. Do you know the difference between a terrorist and a woman with PMS? You can negotiate with a terrorist."
This article was sent using my Viigo.
For a free download, go to
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Clinton Advisor: Indianans "Shit", "Worthless White N*ggers"
Clinton Advisor: Indianans "Shit", "Worthless White N*ggers"
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Sen. Kerry grows some CAJONES! (aka BALLZ)
Check him out when asked about the Rev. Wright issue :
GOP SECRET MISSION- Winning nomination for Hillary Clinton
9/11, Bush stealing election, Bin Ladens where abouts ...and now.
GOP working hard to get Hillary the Democratic nomination-
Aside from Hillary being a typical politician and a liar- and assholes like Rush Limbaugh telling republicans to vote for Hillary to shut Obama out. Hillary Clinton, along with her husband are set to appear in court to answer FRAUD CHARGES in California
"While Hillary Clinton battles Barack Obama on the campaign trail, a judge in Los Angeles is quietly preparing to set a trial date in a $17 million fraud suit that aims to expose an alleged culture of widespread corruption by the Clintons and the Democratic Party."
Read the full article here at World Net Daily
GOP wins in the dirty politics game- they perfected the art of the shit storm and they are more than ready to crush the once mighty Clinton Political Machine.
Open Letter to Rev. Wright
Exactly what the fuck you think you're doing? Not only making a mockery of your own legacy, but you are essentially shitting on all the work Sen. Obama and his campaign have done.
I completely understand your motives in speaking out in defending yourself, however you allowed the mainstream media and the Douchbag Squad (Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, ignorant Americans, racists, etc) to bait you and trick you into playing their game.
This is chess playa, not checkers!!!!
Allow me to be clear you are a highly educated, patriot of the true values of this country, have unselfishly served your nation and your community for over 35 years. And you allowed yourself to be reduced to a sound byte.
Let's recap your press "tour/disaster"-
1. Bill Moyers Journal on PBS- eloquent, sublime, Insightful, truthful, honorable. You truly demonstrated the true nature of what many of your supporters know to be your character. Kudos to Bill Moyers for conducting an actual interview and not an interrogation.
2. NAACP Dinner- Honest, direct, funny. Yes a bit more dynamic, edgier but still truthful and powerful. HOWEVER while your theme Different is not deficient was very well done. MSM is just too fucking stupid to really understand what you were saying. Coupled with the nations severe case of ADD you were entering a dangerous terrority.
3. National Press Club - obnoxious, egotistical, condescending- WHAT DA FUCK!! This is the "Lion's Den" this is where evil (and ignorance) resides. This is where you needed to be at your absolute best.
Just for the record- I have watched your complete sermons and in your words I heard you offer restoration to your parishoners regarding 9/11. I heard your call for calm, reflection and hope. I learned about liberation theology and respect your work as well as the work of other pastors who speak on behalf of the oppressed. But when it comes to the world stage, the mass media and you need to keep your your senses sharp and your emotions leveled because this is obvious you are out of your league here.
Please STFU and don't destroy Obama, don't destroy the hope of millions of Americans to have and a true leader running this country.
P.S- I'm not alone in my views- Dave Winer article at Huffingtonpost
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
CLINTON - The Embodiment of Sleaze
Daily News reporter Errol Louis just wrote a piece (click the read it) "Is Jeremiah Wright a colossal disaster for Barack Obama or a press trick?"
Below is a direct quote from the article:
"It also turns out that Reynolds - introduced Monday as a member of the National Press Club "who organized" the event - is an enthusiastic Hillary Clinton supporter.
On a blog linked to her Web site- Reynolds said in a February post: "My vote for Hillary in the Maryland primary was my way of saying thank you" to Clinton and her husband for the successes of Bill Clinton's presidency. "
Staying true & maintaining the intergrity of 5Rawminutes- Reynolds, with all due respect you are a douch bag. In the annals of DOUCHE BAGGERY you are a amazing example of low lying scum and basically a fucking stupid piece of shit....with all due respect.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Where do 700K + voters get off in choosing Obama over Clinton. And how dare he tactfully map and plan his strategy as if he was playing a chess game against Kasparov. And lets not get started on all the delegates which for some reason or another seem to be in greater numbers in Obama's favor.
I hope the DNC accepts Hillary's new math which include 2 states that were stripped of their delegates for breaking the rules that everyone agreed to before the primaries began.
Hillary earned the right to be our next president. She already knows where all the light switches and the RED phone are located in the the White House. C'mon Hillary just shut Obama down. Talk to Karl Rove, use your $110M to bribe people closest to him for some dirt. Make him go away already.
Who does he think he is talking about HOPE and CHANGE? Bill Clinton was talking about that in 1992- Vote your hopes he said not your fears. Obama is so lame he can't even come up with an original campaign slogan.
Does Obama really think that he can hold that many town hall meetings which have been turning undecided, republicans and long time Clinton supporters to his favor?
Does he think by covering all the bases- the popular vote, overall delegate count and super delegates he will effectively choke the life out of Clinton's campaign (doesn't he know a knockout blow is more fun for the intellectually slow?)
Hillary Clinton will do whatever she has to do to win, including sacrifice the democratic party (pussies) her own career, self respect and even her dignity. Because to be President of this country - being visionary leader, a true diplomat for Democracy and beacon of hope for the world to see is a crock. Being an asshole is what it is all about.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Hillary Clinton out of her FUCKING mind.
Sen. Clinton essentially thought she would step into the primary and cinch the nomination, essentially riding the coat tails of her husband Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton until recently was, in my opinion one of the greatest leaders of modern history. But whether blinded by his loyalty to wife or completely obsessed with winning the white house (or as many of my colleagues and I speculate- being blackmailed to support Hillary) Bill has also lost his FUCKING mind.
I am a New Yorker and I honestly cannot recall ever hearing Sen. Clinton initiate any bills or legislation the would impact New York. On the other hand I have met Sen. Chuck Schumer several times. Sen. Schumer has been at the forefront of issues that are important to New Yorkers. Sen. Clinton was simply here as part of her career ladder to the white house.
First off- to any Hillary Clinton supporter out there when asked why you support Sen. Clinton? if the first words out of your mouth are “Well Bill was a great president so I'm voting for Hillary” you are a FUCKING STUPID piece of SHIT. Seriously get a clue. Hillary is not Bill.
Bill at his prime was a LEADER of the people. Hillary at her best is a good politician. She is no where near as charismatic, affluent, persuasive or endearing as Bill. An Hillary Clinton presidency will look VERY different from Bill's.
Second- Sen. Obama is essentially running Bill Clinton's campaign from 1992 & 1996- appealing to the people to not only demand better from their government but from themselves as well. A campaign of hope. Which is why Hillary Clinton was has changed her message a half dozen times, and in many cases even adopting REPUBLICAN positions and tactics. Relying on the blind loyalty of stubborn, ignorant people who for whatever reason feel they owe a debt to the Clinton's.
Third- most appalling people I have spoken to regarding Sen. Obama have cited his race as being an issue. Please realize that the individuals I was speaking to were in many cases darker than Obama. I would have thought that at least they would have given the Illinois Senator a chance and listened to his views. But ironically they were more opposed to him than the light skinned, white people I spoke to. (Some special kind of self esteem, sabotaging influences there)
Finally- as I mentioned we are doing this now because enough is enough. Hillary you had a chance to fight a clean fight and elevate your own legacy to new heights, enhance women's rights and bolster the reputation of the Clinton name. All you have down is shown yourself for who you really are. The Rev Wright issue, the Muslim issue, the 3AM ads, questioning Sen. Obama's patriotism. Did you hire Karl Rove to work for you? Sen. Obama has until very recently taken the high road, and even now is still not slinging all the mud he could. The list of scandals involving the Clinton's goes back a long way. Check all of them out here. (please note this is not counting the Lewinsky Scandal- that was a personal matter)
The reason for the Clinton's schizophrenic behavior is simply- they dismissed Sen. Obama. They never thought that the new kid would do so good. However Bill should have known better. Bill was Barack in 1992. Must be hard for Bill to essentially battle a younger, better version of himself.
To be clear- I have said many times before that Hillary Clinton was a great politician, however what this country needs now is a great leader and I didn't feel Hillary was there yet. Now I am convinced she will never be that leader. I am not against a women being president. I am against another nut being in office. 2012 might the year when 2 women will be running for the top office- Governor Sebelius of Kansas and the other Illinois Senator, Sen. McCaskill would be excellent choices. These two potential candidates are the ones to watch. (I'm MENTOK Dammit)
This game is Chess, not checkers. Sen. Obama has tactfully played this game out to a T. All that Hillary Clinton is doing is demonstrating her skills to divide, repress, manipulate and flat out LIE.
I will leave you with this clip of Bill Clinton endorsing Sen. Obama-
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Teenage whoring via SMS
Paris Hilton's sex tape, Britney Spears Cooter shot, Vanessa Hudgens beaver - and now according to FOX NEWS (yes that bastion of true journalism) Teens sending nude (butt ass naked) pics to eachother is part of teen dating. This includes videos of strip teases & sexual acts such as masterbation. And the best part these stupid bitches think these pics/clips are SECURE as in NOT being shared with half the planet!
You know I won't ever hate on a ho for being a ho, shit I know a few ho's and they're great people (Ho's make the world go round) But I will hate on some dumb ass kid acting like a ho and then wondering why people are talking about her. It was this mentality that almost got R&B Artist AKON locked up a few months back cause some young stupid dumb bitch SNEAKED INTO THE CLUB, GOT BUSTED and accused AKON of assualt when her parents confronted her on her HO'ness! This chick's MYSPACE page was loaded with suggestive pics, provocative chats ALL with her approval and participation and claims saying she was 19 (when she was really 15). CHECK THE DETAILS HERE- I CALLED IT "Future Pole Dancer" in the making.
Of course she was EXPOSED for being a dumb ass lying P.O.S, but did anyone apologize to AKON for being essentially labeled a rapist, for costing him contracts with sponsors and damaging his reputation? HELL NO
And to add further proof of their stupidity these young ho's don't collect one friggen $ for their ho'ness. Plain STUPID!
(WARNING to all the males out there- be aware that if your 18 in still in High School as it sometimes happens and some idiot bitch that is UNDER 18 sends you some nude/naked material on your phone...and as it happens her parents discover this cause she is stupid and doesn't clear out her phones memory. They can bring CHARGES OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY against you and if your dumb enough to FWD this to anyone you can add DISTRIBUTION of CHILD PORN!- WATCH YOUR BACKS FELLAS)
Monday, April 14, 2008
People STILL fall for this SHIT !?!?!
Here's the fast lesson-
And Finally .....Most importantly
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Brain Candy
Here is a short passage from God's Politics-
Putting Rev. Wright's Preaching in Perspective (by Diana Butler Bass)
The current media flap over the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's former pastor, strikes me as nothing short of strange. Anyone who attends church on a regular basis knows how frequently congregants disagree with their ministers. To sit in a pew is not necessarily assent to a message preached on a particular day. Being a church member is not some sort of mindless cult, where individuals believe every word preached. Rather, being a church member means being part of a community of faith—a gathered people, always diverse and sometimes at odds, who constitute Christ's body in the world.
(yes its true- even heathens such as I have some level of spiritual knowledge)
To anyone who thought I was going flip flop on Obama....SYKE!
**NEWS FLASH** Obama's passport breached by gov't contractors-
Read about it on The Huffington Post
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I'm MENTOK- The MIND Taker -
I posted the comment below on MONDAY, before Senator Obama's historical speech- Once again retaining my MENTOK status
"Is anything the Rev. Wright say on video NOT true? We have white american at large commenting on the reality of Black America. Obama is looking to UNITE us, regardless of color and gender. Unfortunately to do that effectivily the "CLOSET" that has been hidden away in the dark corner of this country has got to get cleaned out. Difficult issues must be openly discussed in a respectful mannner otherwise there is no way for us as a nation to get past these issues. Our children, our families, our country- is at stake. I respect Obama for at the very least making an honest attempt to begin the dialog. This is the type of leadership that is needed in Washington. Enough with the lies, enough with the smoke & mirror promises and arrogant presidency that was apparently completely unaware of the sky-rocketing cost of gasoline. Respect the citizens of this country and we in turn will respect you back."
Posted By: Ghost NYC | March 17, 2008 at 02:47 PM
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Friday, February 1, 2008
Wait This Serious Don't Hang Up
Last night I attended happy hour with some co-workers and a former employee of the company met up with us. She came with a friend who's boyfriend happens to be a 911 operator. After several drinks and conversations this girls tells us her boyfriend sent her a voice mail about a ridiculous 911 call and proceeded to play the audio for us. Now this is illegal but after I explain the call you know its worth it to share.
The 911 call came from a 19 year old girl in a motel some where in up state new york. Knowing that her story may sound bogus the first words to the 911 operator were "PLEASE DON'T HANG UP THIS IS SERIOUS!" The girl then proceeds to explain that she is in a motel with a DILDO STUCK IN HER ASS. Now being a good 911 operator the person ask if there is any bleeding, any damage to the anus, or colon, but if you listened closely you hear what appears to be the other operators laughing in the back ground. The girl goes on to explain there isn't any bleeding but "ITS DEEP IN THERE TOUCHING SOMETHING AND IT DOESN'T FEEL GOOD". At one point you feel bad for the girl because she says, while crying, "I CAN'T STOP IT FROM VIBRATING AND I DON'T LIKE IT".
So finally you hear the operator sending a message to an EMT. Apparently the girl was at the motel with an older woman having dildo butt sex. Supposedly, she was hysterically crying because her parents had to be notified and they didn't know she was a lesbian. Great way to come out to your parents, huh?!
911, DILDO IN BUTT, LESBIANS, MEDICAL EMERGENCY, great ingredients for a wonderful bar story. The lesson here is make sure you tie a safety string at the end of your Dildos, you never know how deep it might go and when you find out, it may not come back.
Sent via BlackBerry
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
[14:25] GHOST: did you see Spiderman 3?
[14:33] F.L.O.M: yeah man saw it
[14:33] F.L.O.M: un-impressed
[14:38] GHOST: dude....KIRSTEN DUNST is a movie star???????
[14:38] GHOST: I can be a MOVIE STAR!!
[14:38] GHOST: lol
[14:38] GHOST: WTF
[14:39] F.L.O.M: lmao
[14:39] F.L.O.M: ROFLMAO
[14:39] F.L.O.M: HAHAHAHA
[14:39] F.L.O.M: SHE IS WACK
[15:00] GHOST: Dude in the comic book- Mary Jane was super fine
[15:00] GHOST: in movie she is super wack
[15:01] GHOST: dude seriously man I know mad people with more personality than this chick and yeah I know some people crack when on stage or cameras role... but I know a few myself included who can do 10X better than this chick
[15:01] GHOST: dude she is walking cardboard
[15:01] F.L.O.M: lmao
[15:01] F.L.O.M: hahahah
[15:01] F.L.O.M: cookie cut out man
[15:01] GHOST: when she got tight at peter for not caring about her, I was happy she bounced
[15:01] F.L.O.M: I had this convo with some
[15:02] GHOST: spidey should have bone-ded the blond chick and kept it moving
[15:04] F.L.O.M: had it today about Jennifer Aniston
[15:04] F.L.O.M: another regular cardboard WHYTE chick man
[15:04] F.L.O.M: got nothing to offer
[15:04] F.L.O.M: offer but her WHYTE-ness
[15:07] GHOST: dude AT LEAST- Aniston played well off the other WHYTE fake NY characters on Friends plus she gave a few million women a HAIRCUT to copy
[15:07] GHOST: but Aniston’s on film is garbage
[15:08] F.L.O.M: ROFLMAO
[15:08] F.L.O.M: HAHAHAH
[15:08] F.L.O.M: STALE
[15:08] F.L.O.M: CRACKKER
[15:08] GHOST: No where near a RITZ, whole grain Saltine or a WHEAT THIN which is great
[15:09] GHOST: just a plain ass, no flav saltine
[15:09] GHOST: but Aniston is still 100 X's better than Paris Hilton
[15:09] GHOST: lol
[15:10] F.L.O.M: yeah, well Paris is another beast
[15:10] F.L.O.M: she aint some mid west average WHYTE chick
[15:11] F.L.O.M: she some orange county coke smut
[15:23] GHOST: dude if Dunst/Aniston are WHYTE snow
[15:23] GHOST: Paris is NYC YELLOW SNOW
[15:24] F.L.O.M: lmao
[15:24] GHOST: you feel me
[15:24] F.L.O.M: hahahhahaha
[15:24] F.L.O.M: yea man
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
However to their detriment because they are shaped like a COCK they are also the most blatantly HOMOSEXUAL of all the fruits.
Its almost impossible for a man to eat a banana without looking like he is performing a BLOW JOB. It is also very GAY to have the bananas fibrous vein tissue (that most of us do not eat) dangle from your mouth like a CUM SHOT.
You almost have to lock yourself in a closet to eat a banana in peace. and of course there is a double standard in this, there is almost nothing as EROTIC as watching a woman eat a banana.
Just an observation that's all, excuse me while I go eat a banana in shame.

(Disclaimer- this is just an observation, not an attack on anyone's lifestyle or preferences in fruit)
Sent via CrackBerry
Monday, January 14, 2008
Brown Log Surprise
Everything was going according to plan until I walked into my white-tiled sanctuary and the stench of weekend old log hit me like an ultimate fighter's kick. What the f**k is wrong with people? Seems as if some one dumped a fortified log in there attempted to flush it and never made sure the sh*t went down.
Because of this douche bag everyone suffered including the innocent simply forced to pass through the halls where the bathroom is located. He turned what men use as alone time other than masturbating, into a scene from an horror film. A calm, relaxing, stress releasing session turned into a race to dump and get some fresh air. Worst off it wasn't for hours that maintenance was called to chop the wood and handle the situation. This man should be hung by the testicles for disrespecting one of mans very few sanctuaries.
Sent via BlackBerry
Friday, January 11, 2008
Is it that they make women look like they are floating on air? Or cause the makes a woman's legs appear long and toned and/or makes their asses just POP like POW!!!
Is this why strippers & porn stars like them so much??
(speaking of porn- what is up with the chicks not taking off their shoes and dudes who wear ridiculous looking athletic socks pulled all the way up to the knees- WTF?)
Who invented clear heels? This person sitting around one day and said you know what??- that stripper would look 10 times more sexier sliding down that brass pole, UPSIDE DOWN while spread eagle.....WEARING CLEAR HELLS
(and WTF is up with all strippers smelling like strawberries and coco butter? is there like a strippers Costco where you can get this shit in bulk?)

Monday, January 7, 2008
5RM- The chat sessions- OBAMA's RUN
[10:25] GHOST NYC: homeboy shouldn't even eat fried chicken or ribs until NOV
[10:26] GHOST NYC: No TIMS, FITTED's, baggy jeans
[10:26] FLOM: HAHA
[10:26] GHOST NYC: can't even listen to RB
[10:26] FLOM: AHH HELL NAH!! Gotta keep it real plain, like hospital food!
[10:26] GHOST NYC: stay on SOFT ROCK, EASY LISTENING channels
[10:27] FLOM: cant even listen to mary j blige man
[10:27] GHOST NYC: keep his voice at a certain volume
[10:27] FLOM: keep away from 40oz
[10:27] FLOM: bottles
[10:27] GHOST NYC: 40oz drinks PERIOD
[10:27] GHOST NYC: unless he is giving water to homeless or something
[10:27] FLOM: YEAH
[10:27] FLOM: DAMNIT
[10:27] FLOM: no biscuits
[10:28] FLOM: no cornbread
[10:28] GHOST NYC: straight oatmeal
[10:28] GHOST NYC: all day
[10:28] FLOM: lmao
[10:28] GHOST NYC: ev'ry day
[10:28] FLOM: no coco butter
[10:28] FLOM: ?
[10:28] GHOST NYC: wtf
[10:28] GHOST NYC: are you insane?
[10:28] FLOM: lmao
[10:29] GHOST NYC: dude put it like this- GO into Standard Iowa household- check their fridge and bathroom cabinet
[10:29] GHOST NYC: period
[10:29] FLOM: yeah man i hear ya
[10:29] FLOM: no wash cloths
[10:29] FLOM: lmao
[10:29] FLOM: HAHAH
[10:31] GHOST NYC: he might be able to do that- but he has to keep it undercover, like he going to the pool or gym
Changing of the Guard
Position for amazing singer/crackhead wasting their life away

For nut bag junkie whore

Gay Anthem Songstress

Friday, January 4, 2008
NEWS FLASH-Britney Spears is a Crazy Bitch

Obama takes Iowa
I don’t care about your party affiliation or your personal religious beliefs (get it- personal aka keep it to your damn self) – bottom line is the people of this country need at the very least jobs, healthcare, education, domestic safety, economic stability and honesty in Washington, DC
Current REGIME in power has done an amazing job at separating this country from the global community ensuring more hostility towards its citizens, dividing us nationally by manipulating, hiding or being completely ignorant to information. And destroyed the middle class (economics 101- middle class supports the nation- the bigger the better).
I mean if you want to be honest- Bush and his cabinet should be charged with war crimes by the International Courts at The Hague. Expand your knowledge do some reading here about The Hague
Dubya and his buddies should also be brought up on charges by Congress on cronyism that led to unnecessary deaths and hardship that occurred Louisiana because of Katrina Hurricane.

Thursday, January 3, 2008
New Years with Strangers
Instead, I ended up in Long Island at her parents house and ruined my chances of boning this chick. I know it was her mothers house but damn I was down to get that freaky bathroom quiet bone on "SHHHHHHH SHAT UP, shat the f**K up" in the bathroom.
But it all went down hill when she introduces me to her mom, grandfather, cousins, brothers and sister ( who by the way was fine but underage) and I'm like what the f**k.
Of course she's playing that game. Or maybe in HER mind we're already are dating. Of course I start to get drunk and so is she. The chick starts to sleep on me on the couch in front of her fam. What the f**k.
I ended up sleeping over cause i couldn't drive, trapped and sh*t in LI. To make matters worse I slept in bed with her and didn't even bone what the f**k. She might really think we're dating or some sh*t like. She might f**k around and get tight on valentines day if I don't get her a gift.
At least I got breakfast the next morning! haha Thanks MOM!