Friday, January 4, 2008

NEWS FLASH-Britney Spears is a Crazy Bitch

This just in....we have news confirming ....that.....

Britney Spears is outta her fakata mind!

Britney Spears was taken to a Los Angeles hospital early on Friday, after police spent about four hours at her house trying to mediate a custody dispute, according to witnesses. Check out the full story from TMZ.

It has also been confirmed that Britney is a selfish bitch. Lindsey Lohan finally got back into tabloid headlines by falling off the wagon on a New Years event in Italy and Britney had to come and steal her shine.

And another legal team drops Britney again after missing 5 deposition appointments.

A lawyer turing down easy money- Britney is really fucked up y'all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wtf dude, i swear justin sold his soul man in return for her messed up life and his success.