Thursday, September 4, 2008

Giuliani is an Asshole

(wow its been a while)

Some quick updates-
1. Obama has secured Presidential Nomination.
2. Obama selected Joe Biden to be his running mate
3. Hillary Clinton (and Bill) gave GREAT speeches at DNC.
4. Hillary Clinton in a show of respect & class- stopped delegate roll call and called for Nomination by acclaimation- Thank you Hillary.

Back to the topic- Giuliani spoke at the RNC. He spoke of no issues important to American's, but what he did do what criticize Obama and use 9/11 as if he coined the phrase- Nine- Eleven!

Giuliani criticized Obama's voting record, accomplishments & judgment.

But lets review Giulani's judgment-
1. Decided to put emergency command under World Trade Center against advice of virtually all city/state officials.

2. Decided after 9-11 to deny health care for first responders on the scene. I recall watching a news piece about a captain of the EMT who was a tri-athlete and had a physical 1 month before 9/11. Now he is dying with cancerous tumors in his lung. Healthcare – DENIED!!!

3. During his presidential run he ignored the entire process and decided to bank his entire campaign on Florida (wtf?)

Giuliani has being milking 9-11 for all it’s got. He was mayor during that tragedy and fortunately for him he had the total support of his staff, all the citizens of New York City and the country when 9-11 happened. It has gotten out of hand; during 2006 memorial service- many families in the audience turned their backs to Giuliani in silent protest of his actions during/after 9-11. At one point it looked like he was speaking from the back of the crowd.

Can we revoke his New Yorker Cred, seriously.

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