Friday, May 30, 2008


You may have thought he was crazy, but now its been confirmed.


First off, I am a big fan of his music. He is an amazing song writer and performer. I saw the Coachalla clip of him playing Radiohead's "Creep" and it was great.

The short version of this is that Prince under his company- NPG Records has told YOUTUBE to remove the video clips citing copyright laws. No one can see the clip including the song writers and owners - Radiohead. Radiohead wanted to see the clip after hearing so many things about Prince's rendition of one of their most successful tunes and could not see it.

It is common knowledge that Radiohead recently released an entire album for free (more accurately- pay what you want) the album proved highly successful and critically acclaimed though actual sales figures were never released.

But here we have an artist claiming copyright laws for a song that is NOT HIS. Radiohead band members are apparently trying to remain civil about this and have requested that Prince UNBLOCK the clips and allow them to be viewed again on youtube and other outlets.

For the complete article- check it out on The Huffington Post

Monday, May 19, 2008


Can some one please explain why am I paying to drive into queens? Or why am I getting charged money to cross into a borough from the same city.

Personally I think this is an outrage. I see the justification of paying to go to Jersey, maybe even Long Island but there should be no good reason why I am paying to travel to one of the five boroughs of New York. What's worse is that Queens is a shitty borough anyways. Never liked nor find the need to really go there other then to take a plane or get to Long Island. But those couple of times you HAVE to drive into Queens, New York I get in a horrible mood knowing I gotta come out of pocket to stay in the same damn city. FUCK THE TRI-BORO BRIDGE.
[This email was sent from a handheld device]

Wednesday, May 14, 2008



Nick Cannon has officially topped Ray J's reign as playa king, by marrying Mariah Carey (healthy, beautiful, talented, wealthy Mariah, not pyscho nut trying to be a rapper Mariah)

Nick married up, which is a good thing for the mogul in training. His past chicks Christina Milan and Selita Ebanks can not hold a candle to Mariah Carey. Simply put the ex'es were fucking jokers. They would have been a drain on your spirit, your bank account and self esteem. Mariah got her own thing going on and really only needs a dude to BONE!!!

Somewhere in the world right now- NICK CANNON IS FUCKING THAT HIGH YELLOW GODDESS MARIAH CAREY....... God Bless you Nick


Hillary Clinton pulled off a landslide victory against Obama in West Virginia.
Unfortunately she is still behind in the popular vote, delegates and super delegates. Basically behind in all the metrics that actually count.

Clinton's core group of supporters- white, over 60, uneducated, bigoted/racist, blue collar workers ensured her easy win over the "negro". Clinton is pulling out all stops to guarantee her campaign (& career & the Clinton legacy) end in a blaze of glory.

Clinton plans to expand her supporter base to include people who believe soap operas are real, anyone who may have died since the primaries began since they most certainly would have voted for her and patients in psyche wards who would get a twinkie if they vote for her.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

What people are REALLY Saying

Below is a common list of items you may have heard. Followed by exactly what was meant in bold face type.


1. Hard working white Americans- Black people don’t have jobs & are lazy.
2. I’m not quitting until every vote is counted- I will destroy my career, the Clinton legacy and the DNC to get what I want
3. I misspoke on Bosnia- I can’t keep my lies straight anymore
4. I have so many plans for this country- I didn’t stay married to Bill for nothing
5. I have the experience- do you really want a nigger being the president of the United States
6. I’ve won the big states- black votes and poor white trash votes do not count


1. Hillary Clinton is a formidable opponent- She’s out of her fucking mind
2. I think the American people are ready for change- Once you go black, you will never go back


1. 100 years in Iraq-
a. Long after I'm dead and buried, which incidentially is any day now
b. Big Oil promised me a cut
c. I have a need to kill people
d. I was tortured and I lived…wtf is the big deal

2. Continue tax cuts- my wife and rich buddies need to get their taste


1. I hear he’s a Muslim- I’m not voting for a nigger
2. He doesn’t wear a flag pin, he’s not a patriot-
a. I beat my wife, skip out on child support drive a v10 truck for no good reason
b. I’m not voting for a nigger
3. Well Bill was a great president and that’s why I’m voting Hillary- I’m an illiterate douche-bag


1. I don’t see how she can mathematically win this nomination- Hillary Clinton need to run this motherfucker over to win
2. the demographics do not seem to agree with Hillary Clinton- I guess Bill Clinton was not the first black president- LMAO
3. Hillary Clinton can still win this in June- can someone please plant some cocaine on the nigger??

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hillary Clinton -Has no ethical standards (Video)

This is suppose to be a SNL Skit, but it's so close to reality its actually scary.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Mariah Carey marries Nick Cannon? (SERIOUSLY???)

Personally I think its a great marketing plan. Song is great none the less. Good to have Mariah doing what she does best.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Top 10 Most Offensive Quotes From McCain's Spiritual Advisers

Before Jeremiah "Obama's Pastor" Wright spews even more nonsense, and quotes even more ambassadors, we want to shed some light on the brilliant gems uttered by some of McCain's own spiritual advisers, Pastor John Hagee and Reverend Rod Parsley. When Hagee endorsed McCain, because he is a man of principle, McCain said he was "very honored by Pastor John Hagee's endorsement." Reverend Parsley calls McCain a "strong, true, consistent conservative" and McCain calls Parsley "a spiritual adviser." Because the liberal media refuses to give any credit to McCain, it is up to us to be fair and balanced. So here are the top 10 Memorable Quotes said by McCain's religious advisers:

1. "Do you know the difference between a woman with PMS and a snarling Doberman pinscher? The answer is lipstick. Do you know the difference between a terrorist and a woman with PMS? You can negotiate with a terrorist."

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Clinton Advisor: Indianans "Shit", "Worthless White N*ggers"

Politicians must love YOUTUBE....

Clinton Advisor: Indianans "Shit", "Worthless White N*ggers"