Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Teenage whoring via SMS

5RM has gotten rather political lately and who can blame us. Bush essentially fucked up this country for practically everyone except Big Oil. Oppression, fascism and extensive douche-baggery have become hallmarks of the Bush administration.


Paris Hilton's sex tape, Britney Spears Cooter shot, Vanessa Hudgens beaver - and now according to FOX NEWS (yes that bastion of true journalism) Teens sending nude (butt ass naked) pics to eachother is part of teen dating. This includes videos of strip teases & sexual acts such as masterbation. And the best part these stupid bitches think these pics/clips are SECURE as in NOT being shared with half the planet!

You know I won't ever hate on a ho for being a ho, shit I know a few ho's and they're great people (Ho's make the world go round) But I will hate on some dumb ass kid acting like a ho and then wondering why people are talking about her. It was this mentality that almost got R&B Artist AKON locked up a few months back cause some young stupid dumb bitch SNEAKED INTO THE CLUB, GOT BUSTED and accused AKON of assualt when her parents confronted her on her HO'ness! This chick's MYSPACE page was loaded with suggestive pics, provocative chats ALL with her approval and participation and claims saying she was 19 (when she was really 15). CHECK THE DETAILS HERE- I CALLED IT "Future Pole Dancer" in the making.

Of course she was EXPOSED for being a dumb ass lying P.O.S, but did anyone apologize to AKON for being essentially labeled a rapist, for costing him contracts with sponsors and damaging his reputation? HELL NO

And to add further proof of their stupidity these young ho's don't collect one friggen $ for their ho'ness. Plain STUPID!

(WARNING to all the males out there- be aware that if your 18 in still in High School as it sometimes happens and some idiot bitch that is UNDER 18 sends you some nude/naked material on your phone...and as it happens her parents discover this cause she is stupid and doesn't clear out her phones memory. They can bring CHARGES OF CHILD PORNOGRAPHY against you and if your dumb enough to FWD this to anyone you can add DISTRIBUTION of CHILD PORN!- WATCH YOUR BACKS FELLAS)

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