Friday, January 4, 2008

Obama takes Iowa

A necessary first step has been achieved, Barack Obama has won the Iowa Caucus (lol cock-us).
Now the question is can momentum continue to build? Personally I hope it does, it has been 8 long and dark years since anyone has actually felt hopeful about the political future of this country.

I don’t care about your party affiliation or your personal religious beliefs (get it- personal aka keep it to your damn self) – bottom line is the people of this country need at the very least jobs, healthcare, education, domestic safety, economic stability and honesty in Washington, DC

Current REGIME in power has done an amazing job at separating this country from the global community ensuring more hostility towards its citizens, dividing us nationally by manipulating, hiding or being completely ignorant to information. And destroyed the middle class (economics 101- middle class supports the nation- the bigger the better).

I mean if you want to be honest- Bush and his cabinet should be charged with war crimes by the International Courts at The Hague.
Expand your knowledge do some reading here about The Hague

Dubya and his buddies should also be brought up on charges by Congress on cronyism that led to unnecessary deaths and hardship that occurred Louisiana because of Katrina Hurricane.

**Dan Brown head of FEMA was basically full of shit. The Boston Herald revealed that Brown had previously spent 11 years overseeing horse trial judges and stewards for the Arabian Horse Association, and that the Association had asked him to resign. Check the full details here- Dan "the fuck up" Brown

And if you really want to get freaked out, read up on how the Bush family created and grew their wealth and power. The relationship between the Bush clan and the Saudi’s is incestuous to say the least. I have been saying for a while Bush is hiding Osama Bin Laden in his basement in Crawford, TX.

And its common knowledge that Dick Cheney ran Halliburton (aka the Dark Force in the universe) and Condoleeza Rice was an Executive VP at Chevron.

I'm personally fed up with the secrets, the bullshit, the lies, the overwhelming arrogance and amazingly sheer stupidity of the politics that have been abusing this country for so long.

My vote is on the rookie politician- hope he kicks ass and returns the White House back from corporate america and to the people.

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