Friday, December 14, 2007

Santa vs. Jesus- who's real, who's not ???

Why is Santa considered imaginary and Jesus considered real?

Both are known through out the world in many cultures. Both were considered humanitarians, both had many aliases

Santa- Santa Claus, Kris Kringle, St. Nick, Saint Nicolas
Jesus- Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, Yehoshua, JC (to his closest homies)

Both had stories of their deeds retold through the ages. Both are believed to be immortal. YET....Santa is "pretend" and Jesus is "real".

I am guessing whether you believe or not that you have heard of Jesus Christ and whether or not you believe in his divinity you can at least agree that there was a person named Jesus Christ who at the very least was a philosopher of sorts and wanted to share his teachings of peace and tolerance (like the Dali Lama)

HOWEVER maybe you didn't know that Santa Claus was REAL in this sense too. Nicolas born in the 3rd century in a village called Patera, which at the time was a Greek territory. Nicolas gave away his inherited wealth to the poor and needy and later become a bishop, then a Saint (get it SAINT NICOLAS)

Learn more here- Saint Nicolas- Story behind the legend

So seriously why is Santa fake and Jesus real?

Up next I break the true story of the Tooth Fairy- Stay Tuned.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't phack with me head mad man. The true story is a follows. When Jesus was born, Mr. Klaus could not get to him cause it was way to hot in Nazareth and besides the red winter suit being an issue, the reindeers did not want to mingle with the camels. So when the 3 reyes mago visited Jesus, they were basically like UPS, FEDEX and some other carrier that happened to get there at the same time to give gifts to Jesus on behalf of Klaus. Klaus didn't want to put all his eggs on one basket and decided to go with 3 different delivery companies to guarantee at least one of the gifts would get there on time. Luckily for him, service was good that day cause you had a king to busy killing off the first born in a nearby town so the delivery guys did not want to deliver any of the other orders to such a dangerous town. Yup Jesus was in luck. So la Santa Maria said, The Nick Klaus, what a santo still coming through. And there you have it. From that day on Jesus called Nick Klaus Santa Clo.